Energy Safety Group in the Board of the Ukrainian Nuclear Society
On June 2, 2023, the report-and-election conference of the Public Organization “Ukrainian Nuclear Society” was held in Kyiv.
The event was attended by representatives of leading enterprises and organizations of the nuclear industry of Ukraine, as well as institutions of higher education and scientific institutions that train subject matter specialists for the nuclear energy field. The conference participants heard a report on the activities of the Ukrainian Nuclear Society (UkrNS) for the period from May 2021 to May 2023. Also, the heads of the separate subdivisions of the NGO UkrNS made presentations on the activities of their subdivisions. During the second part of the conference, the leadership of the organization was elected.
Volodymyr Kholosha, Deputy General Director of SS “Atomprojectengineering” of SE NNEGC “Energoatom”, became the new president. Danylo Lavrenov was re-elected as the Executive Secretary of the UkrNS, and a new composition of the Management Board and the Audit Commission of the organization was approved. The Technical Director Oleksandr Mazurok became a member of the board from the Energy Safety Group.