NPP Safety
Improvement Projects
Implementation of post-accident monitoring (PAMS) and related systems and sensors (level control in the holding pools during a design basis accident), modernization of electrical equipment for responsible consumers, emergency power supply and water supply systems, control systems and diagnostics of switchgear, hydrogen monitoring and removal system HE, emergency pressure relief systems, systems for preventing early bypassing of the containment, ensuring emergency cooling down of the reactor vessel, etc.
NPP Equipment
Modernization Projects
Namely, the wrenches of the main connectors of reactors, transshipment machines and polar cranes, industrial television systems, metal control and inspection (including the submarine in the field of high radiation fields), increasing the efficiency of heat exchange equipment, condensers, separators, steam superheaters and other heat exchanging equipment, cleaning systems for fire-resistant oils of turbines and the MCP, control systems and monitoring of emergency diesel generators, automatic chemical control systems, water production equipment type and nitrogen, etc.
Radioactive Waste
Management Projects
Equipment for incineration, sorting, fragmentation, pressing, cementing and vitrification of radioactive waste, cleaning of radioactive oils, radiation monitoring systems, other equipment, including containers and transporters.
NPP Safety
Analysis Projects
Development of reports on the analysis of safety upgrades, evaluation of the effectiveness of upgrades, reassessment of safety of NPP units, implementation of deterministic and probabilistic safety analysis of modifications, justification for individual equipment and the reactor plant as a whole life extension, development of emergency response instructions, etc.