ES Group Europe s.r.o. advanced its status to a qualified supplier of ČEZ
The Czech division of ES Group – ES Group Europe s.r.o., in November has successfully passed the extended audit of ČEZ Energoservis spol. s.r.o. “Professional expert review of design documentation, supply of equipment in accordance with technical specifications and requirements of the customer”. In this way, the Company received the status of a qualified supplier of ČEZ Energoservis, which is part of the ČEZ Group and provides comprehensive repair services for the Dukovany and Temelin nuclear power plants, as well as hydroelectric power plants in the Czech Republic.
The objective of the audit was to perform a professional expert review of the design documentation and supply of equipment in accordance with the specifications and requirements.
ES Group Europe s.r.o. has a management system certified by TÚV NORD ČERT GmbH center according to ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018. The certificates were issued for conducting the research activities in the field of safety justification of nuclear power plants and other facilities using nuclear energy, expert and analytical works in the field of nuclear energy, design and construction of systems and equipment for nuclear power plants and thermal power plants; development of design and operational documentation; supply of equipment for energy facilities, in particular for nuclear and thermal power plants; development, production, sale, installation and service operation of electrical and heating equipment, automatic and process control systems.
In addition, the Company has a system certified by CERTATOM in accordance with ISO 19443:2019, which expands the quality management system to specific requirements for the use of ISO 9001:2015 by organizations in the supply chain of products and the provision of services important for nuclear safety.
The certificate received from ČEZ Energoservis is another confirmation that the ES Group operates exclusively according to the highest engineering standards.
We would like to remind that in April this year, ES Group Europe s.r.o. received the Certificate of service provider for conducting the expert analyses of design documentation for ČEZ Energoservis spol. s.r.o.